Notes to myself for 2018

Notes to myself for 2018

1. Refrain from reading mass media opinions on political issues and politicians. Because these conglomerates are really all about ratings and advertising income. And remember that politics is just a fucking merry go round with flawed self servers stepping on and off....
So what’s the best camera in the world?

So what’s the best camera in the world?

I hope I never find out. How long will it be before the difference between all top end cameras will be so small in increment that the brand wont actually matter? The second World War was a watershed time for photography. War correspondents and shooters needed a...
Milk Train to Mecca

Milk Train to Mecca

Milk Train to Mecca As published in the NOV/DEC issue of Zigzag Magazine I never really came to terms with conscription. It weighed heavily on my soul. I had no choice or affiliation.   Fighting anyone, least of all some obscure force far away, never even...
Surfer Mag Gallery

Surfer Mag Gallery

2014 was a bomb year for surf in Durban. On request Matt Van Wieringen, Sean McCarthy and I submitted this gallery to Surfer mag. VIEW:...
84 Country Feeling Classic

84 Country Feeling Classic

Until the 2017 J-Bay Open the 84 Country Feeling was widely given ‘Best Ever’ status. View an awesome video clip of the best event I ever attended. Wasn’t a CT or a QS, just a shootout between the best surfers in the world at one of the best...