Patrick Flanagan;

A sample of my forty plus years working as a photographer and writer. 

Click here to view my profile

Almost every photograph on this site is available to purchase in a number of printed options. Email me at


Commercial & Design

A full equipped studio for professional portaits, product and pack shots.

I also do layouts and take them right to finished art.



Commercial and Industrial Photography and Design

I’m equipped to cover commissions for studio and insitu photography and take any production to final art, ready to print.

Jupiter Hollow

Take a dive into a pictorial of the KZN Midlands and the valleys that define it.

Ode to TomWolfe

In 1976, I found myself in the odd and precariously uncomfortable position of photo editor of Down the Line, a tabloid magazine edited and produced by Michael Tomson and Patrick Lee. My title sounded grandiose but in truth, it mean that I would spend many nights in the kitchen of my Botanic Gardens Road in the dark and with  Jenny, processing rolls of film and printing loads of black and white 8 by 10s.

So What's the Best Camera in the World

I hope I never find out.

How long will it be before the difference between all top end cameras will be so small in increment that the brand wont actually matter?

The second World War was a watershed time for photography. War correspondents and shooters needed a smaller, more compact camera that used the newly invented 35 mm colour film and thus sprung the Leica M3 in the early fifties. This was probably the most important camera ever with the exception of its successor (as a pro camera) the Nikon F. The range finder was replaced by the first significant single lens reflex camera. These two were the forerunners to everything, or just about.


45 years of fashion photography

Notes to Myself

1. Refrain from reading mass media opinions on political issues and politicians. Because these conglomerates are really all about ratings and advertising income. And remember that politics is just a fucking merry go round with flawed self servers stepping on and off. An evil playground thing thats been switched on for generations.


Random photos 


I call them environmental portraits because a major element that I believe is vital to successfully getting the best out of the person thats being photographed is to put them in the place they feel the most comfortable. Mail me at if you’re needing a great set of pictures of yourself, your friends or family. If you’re looking for more  a more formal studio based pictures, i can accommodate that as well. Click here for more

The nGuni Trail


Click on the Icons to access the stories and the pictures.

Island Man

Johnny Coconut’s piece about tripping through the Mentawais

Retro Gallery

A collection of pictures that hopefully define an era when surfing was being established as a bona vide sport. check out some of the protaganists.

Surfer Mag Gallery

2014 was a bomb year for surf in Durban. On request Matt Van Wieringen, Sean McCarthy and I submitted this gallery to Surfer mag.

Surf Archive

Pictures from the early years.

Shaun Tomson – An article in Zigzag’s Legends Journal

In those heady days of the late seventies, there was this magical sense of anticipation when ST returned after a season in Hawaii or Australia. Through the bush telegraph we would already know his results at each event, but all wanted to see what he was doing in the water.

Back to the Coast

I packed my gear the night before and undetected, escaped from the old age home in the early hours of the morning, and headed for North Beach where I met the team.

Masters of the Twinny.

July 1981. At the start of the Thruster revolution, twin fins were the go across the planet.

Potter cut his teeth on the twinny. Stussy switched California onto his special brand of twin fin. In Newcastle Australia the illustrious Mark Richards was all over them. Shaun Tomson, the king of the round pin single fin, even had a couple secretly stashed at Cheron’s place at Supers that winter.


Stevie Ray Vaughan would have dug your surfing Espo. In the same natural way you capture the very essence just like he did.

Line-ups - You're on the Road Again

A few delectible travel travel options

Shoot Better Surf Pics


84 Country Feeling Classic

Until the 2017 J-Bay Open the 84 Country Feeling was widely given ‘Best Ever’ status. View an awesome video clip of the best event I ever attended. Wasn’t a CT or a QS, just a shootout between the best surfers in the world at one of the best breaks at its very best.


This is the title of an article that I read a while back in an international magazine that pretty much sums up why you should , even in the digital era, steer clear of this rather precarious activity.

Surf Gallery

A collection of random pics from the recent past.

40 years of Tear Sheets

This is where the work on the beach and in the water landed over the years of working for magazines around the globe.

Milk Train to Mecca

I never really came to terms with conscription. It weighed heavily on my soul. I had no choice or affiliation.

How two Aussies changed SA surfing forever in 1968

May 68. Back in Durban after nine months in the Navy in Simonstown, bright eyed and bushy tailed with my 9’10” Mike Hynson model three stringer Gordon & Smith under my arm, looking for a little excitement and a lot of waves.

In my forty four years behind a camera Ive seen some lows. The worst was when this picture was taken in 2006. I was living in Joburg and hadn’t been near the ocean for almost 5 years. I was in bad shape when Carl Roux my lifelong friend rescued me by taking me to Indo on a surf trip.

Jupiter Hollow

I spend a fair amount of time in the KZN Midland Valleys and love shooting the pristine natural vistas up there. 

click here to view the gallery page.

My Other Website

South African Surfing Legends

Inspire, develop and mentor future generations of surfers through the celebration of our rich surfing heritage.